Positions Available
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Developmental Neurobiology / Hearing Research Northwestern University United States, Chicago JOB DESCRIPTION To investigate the development of cochlear outer vs inner hair cells using mouse reverse genetics, transcriptomics, organotypic cultures and viral vectors. The aim is to elucidate how outer and inner hair cells form during development, how they arose during evolution, and eventually how to generate them therapeutically to reverse hearing loss. Much of the focus will be on newly identified transcription factors and other regulators of hair cell development. These projects constitute an upcoming and expanding field of research with ample possibilities for high impact publications and for the establishment of an independent research career by the candidate. The positions will be supported by R01 DC015903 titled “Outer and Inner Hair Cell Development” DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE One or more of the following: familiarity with cochlear anatomy and function, experience with developmental biology, cell differentiation and gene regulation, RNAseq/ChIPseq/ATACseq/bioinformatics, gene targeting in mice and/or viral vectors. ABOUT THE EMPLOYER Our lab (http://anoverosduggan.northwestern.edu/) is part of prominent groups of neuroscience and hearing research: Northwestern University's Interdepartmental Neuroscience (NUIN; http://www.nuin.northwestern.edu/) and the Knowles Hearing Center (http://knowleshearingcenter.northwestern.edu/). Please send CV to Jaime García-Añoveros at [email protected]. Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Lysosomes in Neonatal Enterocytes and their Pathologies Northwestern University United States, Chicago JOB DESCRIPTION To investigate the role of specialized lysosomes in neonatal enterocytes and their pathologies. From birth to weaning, intestinal enterocytes have a specialized endolysosomal system for the uptake and intracellular digestion of milk nutrients. Impairment of these specialized lysosomes leads to neonatal intestinal pathologies (Remis et al., 2014, PLOS Genetics). We will be exploring this system in subcellular detail using mouse genetic models and enteroid cultures, as well as examining its potential role in intestinal pathologies of newborn humans using biopsies and enteroids. Comparative studies may also be pursued in epithelial hair cells of the inner ear (Wiwatpanit et al., 2018, J Neurosci.). The positions will be supported by R01 HD086719 titled ““Lysosomes in neonatal enterocytes and their pathologies””. DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE The candidate we are looking for should have, or be near completion of, a doctorate with high quality publications, and relevant research experience such as with the cell biology of lysosomes and endosomes, intestinal enterocytes, enteroids or similar cultures, and mouse metabolism. This project represents a novel and expanding field of research with ample possibilities for the establishment of an independent career, ideally as a future principal investigator. ABOUT THE EMPLOYER Our lab (http://anoverosduggan.northwestern.edu/) investigates the role of ion channels and transcription factors in various epithelia, like those giving rise to the nervous system during development, those involved in nasal and auditory sensory transduction, and that formed by the unique enterocytes of the neonatal intestine. In particular, we have focused on lysosomal ion channels and found specialized lysosomes in mechanosensory hair cells of the inner ear as well as in neonatal enterocytes. Please send CV with a list of three references and a statement of research interest in our lab to Dr. García-Añoveros at [email protected]. |